Michael Howard (deceased)

Michael Howard (1948-2015) was an Anglo-Irish writer, researcher, magazine publisher and editor, and member of the Folklore Society. As a writer and editor, his career began in 1974 when he launched the esoteric magazine Spectrum. This ceased publication after ten issues in 1976, when he inaugurated the witchcraft magazine The Cauldron, which was published for 39 years. In the early 1970s he also began contributing feature articles and book reviews to the US magazine Fate and the British astrological journal Prediction. In 1975, his first book on candle magic was published. Following that, he wrote forty books on the runes, folklore, herbal remedies, faerie lore, traditional witchcraft, Earth Mysteries and the Luciferian tradition. He has also edited books by E.W. Liddell on the Pickingill Craft, and by Evan John Jones on the Robert Cochrane tradition.



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