Grimoire Silvanus: Issue 9

Issue 9 of Grimoire Silvanus, a zine with an interest in nature, folklore, magic, and the land.

Inside issue 9 - The Wild Hunt, Landscape Punk, Acorn Flour, Dartmoor Pixys, Ancient Woodland, Topoglyphs, Mixtape and more.

Featuring the words and works of Autumn Hawk Percival, Elena Tornberg-Lennox, Sandy Urzel, Gradior Inlustria, Caelum Visus, Z.D.J Sanguine-Leclerc, and Dreyer Thorssonsson.

60 pages of essays, stories, art, photography and mysteries. All printed in full colour on recycled paper.

DnB Bangers
A Call to a Place Deep Within Us - Elena Tornberg-Lennox
Acorn Flour
The Hunt Serves No-one - Autumn Hawk Percival
Temples of the Stars - Caelum Visus
Bound in Bark - Gradior Inlustria
Landscape Punk - Sandy Urzel
The Pixy Labour - Z.D.J Sanguine-Leclerc
Stoned Thoughts - Dreyer Thorssonsson

Original price - £7


Hellebore: Issue 001 - The Sacrifice Issue


Grimoire Silvanus: Issue 8