Saraf Lesama Ael Aza

The Intoxicating Garden of Samael

Edgar Kerval

Sirius Limited Esoterica

New Edition including extended, revised and new chapters

The Gnosis of samael is the vehicle of the reception of draconian and qliphotic methods of worship using diverse methods and forms of fetishes and invocations. A threefold path to the temple of its sacred fire whose manifestations will awake in the inner self of the adept the infernal power of immortality in a deep spiritual level, and will transform in a master of the primal oneiric path and astral atavisms expanding consciousness to unlimited levels.

Through this Book you will navigate into the elder days of ancient gnosis and understand the diverse paths of sorcery focusing Samael as the serpent angel, who brought its fire of knowledge to mankind.

Also, the adept who works with the serpent angel shall assume the form of diverse astral, pre-totemic spirits which crawl through the Typhonian tunnels of A'Anno’nin & Malkunofat. This book is a word made flesh, whose angles acts as portals to the influx of the current of Samael.



