The Art of Darkness
The Art of Darkness is a visually rich sourcebook featuring eclectic artworks that have been inspired and informed by the morbid, melancholic and macabre.
Der Totentanz
The evocative work of Hans Holbein, known as Der Totentanz or The Dance of Death, stands as a testament to artistic mastery and social commentary.
IMAGO: Body. Vision. Magick.
In his groundbreaking work, Robert Allen restores the image to its rightful place at the heart of the Western esoteric tradition. He argues that the careful relation of image, vision and understanding holds the power to opening the portals to a magickal practice which is both initiatory and transformative.
Vestigia Ater Draconis
Vestigia Ater Draconis is comprised of a 52 stanza incantation reifying the initiatory path issued from the auspice of the sinistral horn, scribed by Peter Hamilton-Giles. Each stanza is paired with an emission of imagic intent wrought by the hand of Carolyn Hamilton-Giles.
Distillatio is the final volume in Orryelle’s four-fold Alchymic book-web The Tela Quadrivium. For eight years Orryelle worked only in black and white (with touches of gold and silver) for the previous volumes in the series, but in the last few years he has been exploring the alchemy of Colour in diverse media for this culminating volume.
Lavishly illustrated by the artist, Coagula births the magical children born of the Gods and Goddesses united by the reader in Conjunctio. From these unions now the pages are divided, and the cosmic egg cracks open: hermaphrodites and hybrids from the conjunction of masculine and feminine, solar and lunar, silver and gold gestate within and coagulate back into the world of form. Images are accompanied by evocative descriptive texts, insights and a magical ‘foreword’ and ‘backword.’
Conjunctio presents mirrored pairs of Sacred Twins and Divine Lovers from various cultural pantheons coupled on facing pages. They are aligned in such a way that when the pages are turned the figures are United in holy conjunction by the alchemical reader. Different reflective relationships – alchymic opposites and complementaries – are explored b e t w e e n the pages.
Semesilam: The Eternal Sun
A compilatory volume, gathering the artwork that José Gabriel Alegría Sabogal produced between 2012-2017. This ‘definitive anthology’ includes the long out-of-print Handbook of Sacred Anatomy (Aeon Sophia Press, 2014) and A Second Nature (ASP, 2017), along with further, unpublished works from the same period and an extended photographic record of Sabogal’s work focusing on human skulls and bones.
Ontological Graffiti
Ontological Graffiti is Michael Bertiaux’s magnum opus. More than 40 years in development and a decade in production, this work now stands at over 470 pages and is without doubt his most substantial and important book yet.
Vudu Cartography
Vudu Cartography explores the mysteries of ‘Les Vudu’ through chants, oracles, seances and a symbolic system of images – all connected by a descriptive narrative which leads us, like a dusty highway, through the shimmering Haitian landscape.
Touch Me Not
Touch Me Not is an Austrian manuscript compendium of the black magical arts, completed c.1795. Unique and otherworldly, it evokes a realm of visceral dark magic.
The Tarot of Leonora Carrington
The Tarot of Leonora Carrington is the first book dedicated to this important aspect of the artist’s work. It includes a full-size facsimile of her newly discovered Major Arcana
Decad of Intelligence
Building on Colquhoun’s work with the kabbalah, the Decad of Intelligence was developed during the 1970s and is based on the list of sephirotic intelligences as set out in the Sepher Yetzirah.
Into the Mylar Chamber
Between 1968 and 1971, in a loft on New York’s Jefferson Street, the poet, photographer and filmmaker Ira Cohen created some of the most mythic images of the late 1960s.
Occult Psaligraphy
Amalgamations of eyes, serpents, horns, skulls and other sigillic devices, these scissor-cuts become embodied vessels of power. They assist the practitioner in concentration, may be used in meditation or evocation, or as objects of talismanic effect.
Idolatry Restor’d
The translation of magical power to image is a matter well understood in so-called ‘primitive’ sorcery, in which occurs a mutual embodiment of re-presentation and the Represented.
The Occult Reliquary
The Occult Reliquary concerns the Richel-Eldermans Collection, an archive of some 2,000 magical images and artifacts housed in the Museum of Witchcraft in Boscastle, Cornwall.