Books Occult Librarian Books Occult Librarian


Arriton is an enigmatic work from the artist Ayis Lertas. To open Arriton is to encounter the remnants of a lost esoteric tradition, leaves from an untranslated manuscript, a chance find amongst the disordered bookstalls of a remote ancient city. The seeker is thence immersed into a world redolent of gnostic gems, magical alphabets, defixiones and the spells of the magical papyri, which unfolds following a logic all of its own and yet remains entirely alien. It is a Borgesian artefact which will intrigue, challenge and reward contemplation.

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Books Occult Librarian Books Occult Librarian


In a style evocative of illustrations from medieval manuscripts, the artist presents, without explanation, a study of the afflictions that vex, tempt, thwart & harm us.

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