Being & Non-Being in Occult Experience Volume 4: Tarrying with the Impossible: The Aporetic Aphorisms of Andrew D. Chumbley
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Being & Non-Being in Occult Experience Volume 4: Tarrying with the Impossible: The Aporetic Aphorisms of Andrew D. Chumbley

Tarrying with the Impossible: The Aporetic Aphorisms of Andrew D. Chumbley will explore the metaphysical impasses in Andrew D. Chumbley’s posthumously published, Khiazmos: A Book Without Pages. These metaphysical impasses can be best described as aporias, which defy the law of non-contradiction.

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Torn Letters of Otherness
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Torn Letters of Otherness

This first volume, borne from ideas that came to light while communicating with each other, looks at the notion of absence and the first word to be spoken: the alogos. Largely in response to the work of Chumbley and Azoetia, the first word is commonly referred to as the announcement of Self: I.

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A Druid in Psychologist’s Clothing
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A Druid in Psychologist’s Clothing

Imagine a man who influenced the likes of Alan Watts, was a friend of Krishnamurti, whose work was lauded by Henry Miller, and had the audacity to challenge the great psychiatrist, C.G. Jung, during one of Jung’s own seminars.

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