Lady Elder Tree
No other plant is more associated with witchcraft in parts of northern and western Europe than the elder tree (Sambucus nigra).

The Elder Futhark
The Elder Futhark is a unique alphabet developed and used by speakers of early Germanic languages in large areas of Europe.

The Merseburg Spells
In 1841, German historian Georg Waitz was leafing through a series of manuscripts in what is now Merseburg, Germany. There he discovered what would seen be known as some of the most important items in ancient Germanic studies: two brief pieces of Old High German alliterative verse, a traditional variety of poetry associated with speakers of ancient Germanic languages from at least the early 400s.

The Little Book of Viking Age Symbols
More referenced than ever in today’s popular culture, the Viking Age was a complex and vibrant period of history that left behind an incredibly lush landscape of imagery and literature. Yet navigating this material can be complex and difficult.

Nigon Wyrta Galdor: The Nine Herbs Charm
Vibrantly animistic and remarkably hypnotic, Nigon Wyrta Galdor—the so-called Nine Herbs Charm—is an Old English healing galdor that invokes nine personified plants and the pagan god Woden to defeat a serpent before exploding in a psychedelic climax.