The Fenris Wolf: Issue 11
Christianity’s influence in medieval Pagan Iceland, hypno-mimesis and working with body, the esoteric methods of Ithell Colquhoun, poetry as magic, the aesthetics and methods of Austin Osman Spare, automatic drawing, Joseph Ennemoser, Ezra Pound’s occultism, the crusade against magical thinking, the roots of modern Satanism, and the relationship between Ezra Pound and his publisher James Laughlin.

The Fenris Wolf: Issue 10
On topics as diverse as magico-anthropology, sexual magic, eroto-psychedelic art, Friedrich Nietzsche’s use of psychoactive drugs, the occult meaning of the Fenris Wolf in Scandinavian Asatro, joint dreaming, mytho-historical traces within Völkish photography, the magic and influence of African art

Conjure Codex: Issue 5
This Conjure Codex brings to a close the first volume of the series; it was never our intention to theme the issues by colour, but that is what happened and so it is fitting that our final number is the black of moonless midnight.