The Moribund Portal
Beyond its vulgar function as a means of execution, the Gallows has long served as a source of occult power. From the severed appendage of the thief that becomes the Hand of Glory, to the fallen seed that spawns the mandrake root, the Hanging Place is awash in the sinistral ambiance of ancient sorcery.

The Language of the Corpse
Among the ancient Germanic peoples there existed a highly developed stream of magical belief and practice devoted to, and stemming directly from, the dead.

Necromancy in the Medici Library
Necromancy in the Medici Library: An Edition and Translation of Excerpts from Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, MS Plut. 89 sup. 38 contains extensive excerpts from a necromancer's handbook, detailing both general methods and particular rites of spirit conjuration, along with a veritable pantheon of the demonic personages.