Homecoming Issue 003
Periodicals Occult Librarian Periodicals Occult Librarian

Homecoming Issue 003

Who are our relations? Whom is it that we love? In a complex post-industrial society in which we are constantly reminded to think only of our individual selves, and consider perhaps a handful of people on our close bloodline as ‘family’, how do we establish and maintain relationships with our wider kin?

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Hellebore: Issue 001 - The Sacrifice Issue
Periodicals Occult Librarian Periodicals Occult Librarian

Hellebore: Issue 001 - The Sacrifice Issue

Human sacrifice is perhaps the most recurring trope in folk horror, whether it’s practised by rural communities, as seen in The Wicker Man, or part of a Dark Arts ritual, such as that of The Blood on Satan’s Claw. We’re exploring its role in some of our favourite works of fiction, its associations with megaliths and ancient pagan cults in popular culture, its power in magical thinking, and some possible archaeological evidence for it.

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Coire Ansic: Issue 5
Periodicals Occult Librarian Periodicals Occult Librarian

Coire Ansic: Issue 5

This issue saw an upturn in submissions from different contributing authors as well as more contemporary book reviews for books recently released. It contained more works from outside the uk and covered a winder variety of pathways and folklore from different locations.

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Coire Ansic: Issue 4
Periodicals Occult Librarian Periodicals Occult Librarian

Coire Ansic: Issue 4

This Issue of Coire was the first to see the introduction of art submissions alongside articles and poetry. This issue carried a somewhat ‘festive’ them due to its time of publication but was not themed as such, with articles still covering a wide range of topics.

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