The Olympic Spirits (Forthcoming)
The book examines the ritual magic and spiritual frameworks of the renowned Swiss alchemist Paracelsus (1493–1541). Its approach to the subject is divided into three categories: biographical, historical and practical.
Land of the Goat
The Pyrenees Mountains of Spain, France, and Andorra are the birthplace of the primordial witch known as the bruxa. This unique supernatural figure could communicate with spirits, cast spells, control weather, and serve as the Devil's consort. It was here, in the dark, rugged alpine landscapes of the Pyrenees, that the first secular laws against witchcraft were passed in 1424. Drawing on legal records, local history, and folklore, the Land of the Goat explores the Pyrenean witch, its magic, and evolution over time.
The Devil’s Ointment (Forthcoming)
In the historical records of European Witchcraft, one of the most notorious allegations against the accused was the use of a magical salve to gain the power of nocturnal flight.
Saints of Magic (Forthcoming)
Throughout history, certain individuals held renown for their power over the spirits, the forces of Nature, and their supernatural powers, through the practice of the arts of magic.
Liber Coronzom: An Enochian Grimoire (Forthcoming)
Liber Coronzom offers the occult student a practical approach to working with the angelic entities and powers that populate the world of Enochian magic, the early modern occult system based on the mysterious spirit-conjurations of Elizabethan astrologer Doctor John Dee.
Magic Circles in the Grimoire Tradition
Magic Circles have been depicted in popular expressions of magic and witchcraft as well as detailed with full rubrics in traditional manuals of magic such as the Clavicula Solomonis or Liber Juratus.
Sharp Practice
Ritual daggers have long been vital accoutrements in the exercise of magic, sorcery and shamanic practice. As a means of subduing demonic forces, their essence is derived from their power to penetrate and transfix.
Arcanum Bestiarum
Written in the great tradition of the medieval bestiaries, Robert Fitzgerald's long-awaited new work Arcanum Bestiarum re-imagines the animal menagerie in the context of bestial mystery and atavistic power.
A Gathering of Masks
Aleister Crowley's obscure Liber 231 remains one of his most enigmatic received magical texts, and one whose genesis directly concerns the workings of astral magic and trance-mediumship.
The Moribund Portal
Beyond its vulgar function as a means of execution, the Gallows has long served as a source of occult power. From the severed appendage of the thief that becomes the Hand of Glory, to the fallen seed that spawns the mandrake root, the Hanging Place is awash in the sinistral ambiance of ancient sorcery.
Sylvan Dread
Those who dwell unseen within the hedge, the grotesques emergent in the weave of tangled roots, the writhing form amid the shadows of the Willow boughs—all are keepers of a rustic and terrible wisdom predating the emergence of mankind. Lurching between disembodiment and wholly manifest flesh, the baleful forces of wasteland and rural barren have long been etched upon the human soul.
Fever Tree
Appalachia is a distinct bio-region of America with a wealth of unique plant and animal life. This biodiversity is mirrored by an equally rich human tapestry, woven over thousands of years, giving rise to distinct cultural traditions.
Witchcraft and Sorcery of the Balkans
With its geographic diversity of rocky edifices, deep river valleys and dense forests, Europe's Balkan mountain region has been characterized as a natural fortress. This natural multiformity is mirrored by an ancient admixture of magical beliefs and practices present in the region for thousands of years.
The Afflicted Mirror
A shared feature of genuine magical practice and religious experience is the impression of ‘Otherness’, an entic arena of alienation and unfamiliarity. Contrasted with the more comfortable and known spheres of the Self, this ‘state apart’ provides not only inspiration and wonder, it is the dwelling-place of the gods and the prime source of gnosis, direct experience with the divine.
Daimon and Pharmakon (Forthcoming)
Daimon and Pharmakon contains thirteen cutting-edge essays on the contribution of psychoactive substances to occult and esoteric spiritual traditions.
Lexicon Lamiarum (Forthcoming)
The Lexicon of Witchcraft is an illustrated compendium of witchcraft terminology, encompassing rituals, symbols, spirits, objects, and other specialized concepts of witchcraft.
Sabbatic Witchcraft (Forthcoming)
The figure of the witch in medieval Europe was strongly defined by her relation to the Sabbat: the phantasmagoric nocturnal rite where the living trafficked with the dead.
Onomasticon of Occult Herbs (Forthcoming)
Onomasticon of Occult Herbs is a cross-cultural lexicon of sacred plant names, as they emerged from the religions and magical traditions of the world.
The Spirit of the Downs (Forthcoming)
The chalk downs of Sussex possess a fascinating cultural tapestry of folk belief, spell-craft, charms, and lore.
By Moonlight and Spirit Flight
As has been established by historians such as Dr. Carlo Ginzburg and Éva Pócs, the topological elements of the medieval Witches’ Sabbat –the ecstatic nocturnalia of the lamiae — carry relics of the ancient spirit-cults and localized folk-beliefs of Europe.