Clavis: Volume 2 - The Cloister Perilous
At 216 pages, the new volume of Clavis features an outstanding grouping of authors and image-makers.

Clavis: Volume 1 - Of Keys and Locks
The debut issue of Clavis Journal contains modern, innovative occult content and scintillant magical artifacts of centuries past.

Lexicon Lamiarum (Forthcoming)
The Lexicon of Witchcraft is an illustrated compendium of witchcraft terminology, encompassing rituals, symbols, spirits, objects, and other specialized concepts of witchcraft.

Sabbatic Witchcraft (Forthcoming)
The figure of the witch in medieval Europe was strongly defined by her relation to the Sabbat: the phantasmagoric nocturnal rite where the living trafficked with the dead.

Onomasticon of Occult Herbs (Forthcoming)
Onomasticon of Occult Herbs is a cross-cultural lexicon of sacred plant names, as they emerged from the religions and magical traditions of the world.

Children of Cain
The mid-twentieth century witnessed the birth of popular occultism in the West, including an interest in witchcraft. At the forefront of popular witchcraft was Wicca, a recension of ceremonial magic and nature worship advanced by Gerald Gardner and Alex Sanders, now widely regarded as a religion.

Torn Letters of Otherness
This first volume, borne from ideas that came to light while communicating with each other, looks at the notion of absence and the first word to be spoken: the alogos. Largely in response to the work of Chumbley and Azoetia, the first word is commonly referred to as the announcement of Self: I.

The Devil’s Noctuary
A homage to Qayin. The book situates the reader in relation to Qayin by leading you through a diverse range of adorations, that when realised impart the structure of an overall Rite. This book is witty, clever in its structure, and with swift of hand delivers a beauty to an impossible dilemma.

The Book of Q’ab iTz
The Book of Q’ab iTz appears as the vessel for the sorcerer, for contained within is the evidence of a practitioner who has dedicated the past few years to the arte magical.

Its principal concern is the intersection of magic and poison, originating in remotest antiquity and reaching into the occult traditions of present day.

Idolatry Restor’d
The translation of magical power to image is a matter well understood in so-called ‘primitive’ sorcery, in which occurs a mutual embodiment of re-presentation and the Represented.

Via Tortuosa
Crooked Path Sorcery is at once a magical philosophy impelling and arising from the magical historical witchcraft, as well as a set of practices deriving from the work of the Column, an inner cell of the magical order Cultus Sabbati.

Lapis Lamis
The tractate Lapis Lamiis (Stone of the Witches) was printed at the twenty-fifth Anniversary of Xoanon Publishing, as a mystery-text of the “Effigy Fallen from the Sky.”

Lux Haeresis
Let not the Eye of the Seer be divided from the Body Entire. Even in stasis so-call’d, image-revelation is kinesthetic, for the motions of the Beholding Eye are driven by the contours of signacula comprising the image in totality, and which first arose from the dancing Hand of the Divine Artist

Viridarium Umbris
An extensive grimorium of wortcunning, or herb-magic, the Pleasure-Garden treats of the secret knowledge of trees and herbs as delivered by the Fallen Angels unto mankind.

Ars Philtron
First published at Midsummer 2001, this important work treats extensively of Sabbatic-alchemical gnosis as manifest through the medium of potion-making, expositing eight principal philtre taxa, their pharmacoepia, gnostic dominions, and formulation. Evocations to aspects of the Sabbatic Guardians Lilith and Tubal-Cain are also given to empower the revelation and reification of the Philtre Arcana.

The Green Mysteries
From the author of Veneficium comes The Green Mysteries, the monumental product of twenty-five years of experiential research on the spiritual and occult properties of plants.

The Leaper Between
Known to rural folk magicians and secret societies such as the Society of the Horseman's Word, the exacting ritual of killing a toad to obtain the bone of power has been documented in various forms and cultural milieus for two millennia, though its origin is likely far older.

Mysticism, Initiaton and Dream
Written as an undergraduate as SOAS University of London in 2001, Mysticism: Initiation and Dream would foreshadow the concerns of Andrew Chumbley's later doctoral research on the transcendental nature of the magical dream.