The Book of Silent Sky

Authored by: Jared Kavan Walker

Was previously to be published by: Anathema Publishing

Current status unknown

Inspired by the teachings of Shelly Trimmer (1917-1996), kriya yoga practitioner and direct disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda (author of Autobiography of a Yogi), The Book of the Silent Sky explores a unified view of reality. A view that both reconciles and synthesizes paradox within spiritual and secular traditions into a single mystical narrative, namely the seeming divide between theism and atheism, and non-duality and dualism.

With prose reminiscent of poetic biblical and Zoharic literature, and symbolism of both Eastern and Western wisdom traditions, The Book of the Silent Sky is an allegory of the aspiring soul’s journey to spiritual enlightenment and understanding of ultimate reality.

While a mythic tale, at its core, The Book of the Silent Sky is a contemplative work and serves as a guide to both inspire and facilitate soul awakening and the liberation of consciousness. 


ASH - Issue 002


Tubelo’s Forge: The Craft of Robert Cochrane (FORTHCOMING)