The Inner Gateways of LAM

André Consciência

Sirius Limited Esoterica

This work becomes a life path that may be integrated step by step with simple methods that require complex efforts and intense dedication. It is the natural consequence of André’s book Stellar Magic (Falcon Books Publishing) and it continues the Path of Ipsos Vol II (Sirius Limited Esoterica). Yet it stands on its own and spurs from the author’s practices with the Grimoire of Zal by Sean Woodward paired with his initiation into the Vodun of Haiti under Dr. Shreeram Iyer who gave André, as well, important inside knowledge of the traditions of Kashmir Shaivism. Likewise, this cauldron shows in-depth the author’s practice of Michael Bertiaux’s systems.

Here, in the labyrinth that starves illusion, we are given an inner temple architecture of unique circuits to know and become LAM.

The book includes almost 300 pages comes in two Editions! The standard one comes in hard cover with print art and limited to 111 copies.


Via Nocturna


Daoistic Necromancy