To Glimpse A Hollow Hill (forthcoming)
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To Glimpse A Hollow Hill (forthcoming)

In To Glimpse a Hollow Hill, Yates presents, for the first time, the complete and unabridged text of The Secret Commonwealth in both its original form and a fully modernised version. This edition offers unparalleled insights and accessibility into Kirk’s work, alongside a comprehensive history of the manuscript’s transmission through time.

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Treasures from the Valley of Disgust
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Treasures from the Valley of Disgust

In this preliminary essay, we take a look together at the magical function of disgust. Based on fundamental observations from Claudia Reiß's dissertation (Ekel, 2009), we approach classical representations of disgust in both Western and Eastern sources.

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JACOB DÜRR - The Shadow of a 19th Century Goês
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JACOB DÜRR - The Shadow of a 19th Century Goês

This essay portrays the obscure historical figure of Jacob Dürr (1777-1840). Remembered primarily for his collaboration with Justinus Kerner (1786-1862), Dürr maintained a shadowy existence both during his lifetime and in the literary memory of his work.

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Goetic Common Sense
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Goetic Common Sense

In this comprehensive essay I am exploring an inside view into the ancient figure of the goês: What does it mean to do spirit-work according to genuine goêteia? Which patterns of practice as well as social positioning do we observe from the time of the Ancient Greek to modern practitioners of this path?

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MUTABOR explores the human flesh as the main instrument of goêtic magic. The book takes the reader on a wild ride through epochs and cultures and their contradictory stylisation of beauty and deformation, of the aesthetic self and the disfigured Other.

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Liber Eximo Carnem: Volume 2 (forthcoming)
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Liber Eximo Carnem: Volume 2 (forthcoming)

In Volume 2 of Liber Eximo Carnem: The Enchiridion for Summoning Familiars of the Proklosis Ring, the sorcerer continues to guide the initiand through a range of actions and interactions with the intention of gradually intensifying every point along the Proklosis Ring.

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Aperi Circulus Draco
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Aperi Circulus Draco

Codex Ad Limina marks a further expansion of themes addressed in Volume 2 of Book of the Black Dragon. In this volume the author delves into the role the Black Bull has as a totem for the sinistral horn daemon emissary.

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Void Sorcery and the Dissolution of Self
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Void Sorcery and the Dissolution of Self

The thinking behind wanting to explore this particular title came from the realisation that all magic is fundamentally obscured by physical presence, though it must also be said this is just one way of looking at the relationship.

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Ritual Space and the Crooked Path Beyond Volume 3
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Ritual Space and the Crooked Path Beyond Volume 3

In this volume we endeavour to explore the relationship we have between a ritual space and our imagination. The premise upon which this book is built proposes a ritual space is demarcated through imagination, as it is this which leads to eventual spirit encounters.

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Being & Non-Being in Occult Experience Volume 4: Tarrying with the Impossible: The Aporetic Aphorisms of Andrew D. Chumbley
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Being & Non-Being in Occult Experience Volume 4: Tarrying with the Impossible: The Aporetic Aphorisms of Andrew D. Chumbley

Tarrying with the Impossible: The Aporetic Aphorisms of Andrew D. Chumbley will explore the metaphysical impasses in Andrew D. Chumbley’s posthumously published, Khiazmos: A Book Without Pages. These metaphysical impasses can be best described as aporias, which defy the law of non-contradiction.

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Hands of Apostasy
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Hands of Apostasy

Old-style Craft, also known as traditional witchcraft, endures as a distinct body of archaic magical practices in present-day Britain, North America and Australia. Originally nameless, such bodies are related to a variety of historical magical streams, most notably the practices of the Grimoires or ‘black books’, folk-healing, and popular magic of the early modern era.

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The Luminous Stone
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The Luminous Stone

The Arcanum of the ‘fallen angel’ Lucifer evokes such concepts as heresy, rebellion, pride, liberation from the bonds of demiurgic oppression, and impetus for human evolution.

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The Celestial Art
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The Celestial Art

It is a fact of history that the origins of magic and medicine are rooted in the Starry Wisdom of the ancients. Their intersection is evident at numerous and varied points on the timeline.

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A Rose Veiled in Black
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A Rose Veiled in Black

The Lady Babalon is one of the more enigmatic figures in the Cult of Thelema. She is a manifold deity in the sense that She is a divine harlot, an initiatrix, a creator and a destroyer.

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The Way of the Eight Winds
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The Way of the Eight Winds

Nigel explores the history and practice of traditional European Pagan spirituality, which celebrates our relationship with nature. He looks at the Eight Directions and the powers of their Winds. Sharing geomancy practices, he reveals how to work with spirits of a place. Readers will learn runic practices, divination techniques, and how to craft magical tools.

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Celtic Tree Alphabets
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Celtic Tree Alphabets

Examining the Ogham tree alphabet of Ireland and west Britain as well as the Bardic secret alphabet of Wales known as Coelbren, Nigel Pennick shows how these ancient symbols represent the voices of elemental powers and speak to the inner, untamed part of the human soul, offering the possibility of deep psychic transformation.

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Nigel Pennick explores the many ways people through the centuries have sought to divine the future, ensure protection, and draw the full benefits from days of good omen. He shows how dice were originally considered sacred objects of divination and reveals the divinatory geomancy techniques and meanings of a dice oracle and other divination traditions.

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Runes and Astrology
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Runes and Astrology

Detailing the significance of natural time cycles in the Northern Tradition, Nigel Pennick explores how the stars, planets, seasons, months, and the precessional year relate to the 24 runes of the Elder Futhark. He also provides charts and calculations to discern which rune is the primary influence on a particular day, week, month, or year.

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Creating Places of Power
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Creating Places of Power

Sharing examples from ancient Egypt, Iran, India, and Europe that range from the Stone Age to the Renaissance, Pennick examines all the factors behind the ancestral art of geomancy: the auspicious creation and alignment of sacred buildings and places of power. He also explains how electional astrology and chronomancy were understood in ancient societies.

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