Codex Althaeban Malik
Codex Althaeban Malik is perhaps considered the most complicated book in the Black Dragon series so far. It addresses three primary issues, the idea of the Proklosis Ring as the open ground, the distribution of the first sorcerer’s name upon the ground as an emblem of intent, and the extending of points by using each letter to traverse lines of intersection as a way of communicating with the shadow of ourselves Althaeban Malik.
Book of the Black Dragon Volume 1
Setting the stage for the Black Dragon began by discussing the context in which the Black Dragon is encountered. Using the same schema as the one used in the Dragon Book of Essex, the written word moves across ‘power’ points or crossroads, these being body parts of the Black Dragon.
Standing at the Crossroads
Truth is based on censoring that which might undermine alternative rationales, and so it is with how the existential witch has been accommodated by practitioners as the icon for folk based practices.
The Witching-Other
To propose there is something ‘other’ to the witch might seem counter-intuitive, especially so since conjugating the witch into witching suggests particular agentive actions and decisions have already been made about the topic.
The Two Antichrists
The Two Antichrists is a monograph on the figure of Antichrist in a post-Christian and progressive Thelemic context.
The Red Goddess
The Red Goddess is an ecstatic journey through the history of Babalon, the goddess of Revelation, a provocative vision of a very modern goddess coming into power. From the Revelation of St John the Divine, back through the Ishtar Gate and forward into a living modern magical current. This is more than a history, it is a passionate account of living magic and the transcendent power of Love.
Lucifer: Princeps
Peter Grey’s Lucifer: Princeps is a seminal study on the origins of Lucifer and the fallen angels, the foundation myth of the Western occult tradition.
Apocalyptic Witchcraft
In Apocalyptic Witchcraft, Peter Grey gives a compelling account of the Sabbat and Wild Hunt as living experiences. The wolf, the devil, and the goddess of witchcraft are encountered in a haunted and scarred land.
The Moon and the Priestess
The Moon & The Priestess is an analysis of the Tarot deck through the lens of Jungian psychology, specifically Carl Jung’s theory of ‘Archetypes,’ and sets out a path for reimagining the Tarot to access the creative unconscious. Using and understanding Tarot’s archetypes allows you to work with unconscious material, opening your potential for personal and artistic development.
Tara Morgana
Tara Morgana is a work of pure magical writing. Part magical diary, part dreamscape, part dérive, Tara Morgana is an enigmatic record of ritual practice from poet Paul Holman.
Babalon and Other Plays
Babalon and Other Plays comprises ten works by Paul A. Green, written and performed from 1972 to 2005. The plays provide a crawling map of the modern occult, written by an insider who charts one of its most febrile periods.
In her latest book, Patricia Crowther explores some of the many questions she has been asked over almost fifty years as an initiate of the craft and a high priestess of the Great Goddess. 'What is a witch's ladder?', 'Why is the left hand associated with the devil?', 'Is it true that only a young woman can become a high priestess?' are just some of the questions addressed in these pages.
From Stagecraft to Witchcraft
Patricia tells of her early years, her successful stage career throughout the UK, her marriage to Arnold Crowther with whom she worked in entertainment and magic and her friendship with Gerald Gardner, the leading figure in the renaissance of modern Witchcraft which led her to become know world-wide as a leading light in present-day Witchcraft, having led the Sheffield Coven for 40 years.
One Witch’s World
Patricia Crowther is a native of Yorkshire, and has been a practicing witch since 1960. She is regarded as one of the leading personalities of the Old Religion, having lectured widely, written many books on witchcraft, initiated new covens and appeared regularly on television and radio.
Witches Were for Hanging
A novel of Witchcraft in 17th century England telling the tale of the the Nokes family who are genuine witches and their attempts to outwit Matthew Hopkins, the Witchfinder General, and avoid the gallows. The author is one of the world's leading figures in contemporary Witchcraft, a true elder of the Craft, who brings frightening authenticity and genuine traditional insight to this thrilling story.
The Secrets of Ancient Witchcraft With the Witches’ Tarot
Two British witches of the Gardnerian tradition, explain the secrets, rites, powers, and ceremonies of the Old Religion and answer questions concerning witchcraft's beliefs, practices, and adherents.
The Zodiac Experience
Patricia Crowther presents a unique method of self-initiation directly linked to the Sun's position in the zodiac.
Lid Off the Cauldron
Patricia Crowther lifts the lid off the cauldron and reveals the truth about Witchcraft, sharing its history and the methods and theory behind magic and self-initiation.
Witch Blood
Autobiography of English high priestess and witch, Patricia Crowther, initiated under the teaching of Gerald Gardner. An intimate read from the British circle of well-practiced witches and warlocks developing Wiccan roots. Introduction by Dr. Leo Martello, New York witch and radical queer activist of the 70s pagan movement and Strega tradition.
Witchcraft in Yorkshire
Patricia who hails from Yorkshire, England, describes the folklore and customs of the Yorkshire area. From legends to spells and beliefs she also tells of the most famous Yorkshire witch Ursula Southeil or better known as Mother Shipton, born July 1488.