The Equinox: Keep Silence Edition, Vol. One, No. 010
This edition based on new scans from a copy of the 1913 first edition. All of the images used to create this book were created by taking scans of a first edition copy and then digitally enhancing the black ink and removing the paper texture from the background. The images printed in half-tone were run through a special descreening process to remove the moiré patterns.

The Equinox: Keep Silence Edition, Vol. One, No. 009
This edition based on new scans from a copy of the 1913 first edition. All of the images used to create this book were created by taking scans of a first edition copy and then digitally enhancing the black ink and removing the paper texture from the background. The images printed in half-tone were run through a special descreening process to remove the moiré patterns.

The Equinox: Keep Silence Edition, Vol. One, No. 008
This edition based on new scans from a copy of the 1909 first edition. All of the images used to create this book were created by taking scans of a first edition copy and then digitally enhancing the black ink and removing the paper texture from the background. The images printed in half-tone were run through a special descreening process to remove the moiré patterns.

The Equinox: Keep Silence Edition, Vol. One, No. 007
This edition based on new scans from a copy of the 1909 first edition. All of the images used to create this book were created by taking scans of a first edition copy and then digitally enhancing the black ink and removing the paper texture from the background. The images printed in half-tone were run through a special descreening process to remove the moiré patterns.

The Equinox: Keep Silence Edition, Vol. One, No. 006
This edition based on new scans from a copy of the 1909 first edition. All of the images used to create this book were created by taking scans of a first edition copy and then digitally enhancing the black ink and removing the paper texture from the background. The images printed in half-tone were run through a special descreening process to remove the moiré patterns.

The Equinox: Keep Silence Edition, Vol. One, No. 005
This edition based on new scans from a copy of the 1909 first edition. All of the images used to create this book were created by taking scans of a first edition copy and then digitally enhancing the black ink and removing the paper texture from the background. The images printed in half-tone were run through a special descreening process to remove the moiré patterns.

The Equinox: Keep Silence Edition, Vol. One, No. 004
This edition based on new scans from a copy of the 1909 first edition. All of the images used to create this book were created by taking scans of a first edition copy and then digitally enhancing the black ink and removing the paper texture from the background. The images printed in half-tone were run through a special descreening process to remove the moiré patterns.

The Equinox: Keep Silence Edition, Vol. One, No. 003
This edition based on new scans from a copy of the 1909 first edition. All of the images used to create this book were created by taking scans of a first edition copy and then digitally enhancing the black ink and removing the paper texture from the background. The images printed in half-tone were run through a special descreening process to remove the moiré patterns.

The Equinox: Keep Silence Edition, Vol. One, No. 002
This edition based on new scans from a copy of the 1909 first edition. All of the images used to create this book were created by taking scans of a first edition copy and then digitally enhancing the black ink and removing the paper texture from the background. The images printed in half-tone were run through a special descreening process to remove the moiré patterns.

The Equinox: Keep Silence Edition, Vol. One, No. 001
This edition based on new scans from a copy of the 1909 first edition. All of the images used to create this book were created by taking scans of a first edition copy and then digitally enhancing the black ink and removing the paper texture from the background. The images printed in half-tone were run through a special descreening process to remove the moiré patterns.

The Dance of Sun and Moon
Straddling the worlds of Surrealism, occultism and modernist literature, Ithell Colquhoun (1906–88) was widely respected in her lifetime, but her transgressive, esoteric and poetic paintings and writings were long neglected until Richard Shillitoe’s 2009 book Ithell Colquhoun: Magician Born of Nature initiated her revaluation

Enchanted Modernities
The syncretic nature of Theosophy encouraged individualism in belief, fitting well the popular notions of freedom and personal agency used to characterize the American West.

Trans-States: The Art of Crossing Over
Trans- States is an experimental, transdisciplinary conference held at the University of Northampton that seeks to bring about a valuable convocation of esoterically-inclined minds: a meeting of academics, independent scholars, magical practitioners and artists with shared interests in both the study and production of contemporary occulture.

The Key of Necromancy: Volume 2
The second volume of the Key of Necromancy continues with the translation of the 18th century German magical texts Nigromantisches Kunst-Buch, Der Schlussel von dem Zwange der Holle and Experimentir Buch whose first part was published in the first tome.

The Key of Necromancy: Volume 1
The Key of Necromancy is a two-volume work that attests to the continuity and changes that underwent the German magical literature through the late 17th to mid-18th century. It stands as an example of the unique techniques and spirit lists that circulated around the Holy Roman Empire that would later consolidate in what today is known as the Faustian Tradition.

Magia Naturalis et Innaturalis
The Magia Naturalis et Innaturalis was a popular grimoire in 18th Century Germany centering around the legend of Doctor Faust, to whom it was pseudo-epigraphically attributed.

Mightiest Sea-Spirit
Dr. Faust's Mightiest Sea-Spirit is an anthology of four Faustian Grimoires dealing mainly with the subject of spirits of the sea and of the water.

Praxis Magica Faustiana
The Praxis Magica Faustiana consists of 14 full-color lithographs that date to the mid-19th century. These were faithfully copied from an earlier manuscript of the same name attributed to Dr. Johannes Faust.

A Compendium of Unnatural Black Magic
These books pertained to a school of magic that originated within the Faustian Tradition during the 17th Century.

Terrors of the Night
This volume presents essays on the history of dreams and nightmares, in particular focusing on how these have been visualised; and how and why these visualizations change.