Conjure Codex: Issue 5
This Conjure Codex brings to a close the first volume of the series; it was never our intention to theme the issues by colour, but that is what happened and so it is fitting that our final number is the black of moonless midnight.
Conjure Codex: Issue 4
The fourth issue of CONJURE CODEX contemplates the occult symbolism and meaning of gold: from treasures to planetary attributions to alchemy. Our fourth issue boasts cover art by S. Aldarnay and interior artwork by Victoria Musson, JM Hamade, Mani C. Price, and Erzebet Barthold.
Conjure Codex: Issue 3
CONJURE CODEX arises from the cauldron of winter to both stimulate the waking mind and encourage its dreaming here on the cusp of Spring. The blue issue is full to bursting with insights and revelations, presenting us with sorceries and wisdom from a range of cultures and eras.
Conjure Codex: Issue 2
The emerald issue of CONJURE CODEX bursts forth as green shoots of spring, thrusting up through the decay of western civilisation, revealing the taproots of magic in a celebration of flourishing traditions, both old and new.
Conjure Codex: Issue 1
CONJURE CODEX breaks new ground in presenting inter-related material from a range of traditions, embracing ancient cultures, the grimoires, New World traditions and others; by publishing new translations and rare texts alongside accounts of work in these traditions, and elucidations of them.
Conjuration: Issue 4
5 objects: Contributions from museum staff, supporters and associates writing about their favourite things from the collection. The Cunning Man, collected and edited by Robert Hunt. Witch Wars.
Conjuration: Issue 3
5 objects: Contributions from museum staff, supporters and associates writing about their favourite things from the collection. How to Make a Counter-Curse, with Cecil Williamson.
Conjuration: Issue 2
5 objects: Contributions from museum staff, supporters and associates writing about their favourite things from the collection. An examination of the late Ralph Harvey's Book of Shadows, salvaged from The Boscastle Floods of 2004, which forms part of the new display centred on contemporary witchcraft.
Conjuration: Issue 1
Inspired by MWM’s vast collection of DIY ‘zines collected over the years, Conjuration intends to present a cornucopia of images and text, drawn specifically from the MWM collection and archives and will also look at what makes it’s position in the landscape so magical as it draws upon the Genius Loci of this unique and beautiful location.
Coire Ansic: Issue 6
This Issue of Coire returned to a more traditional feel, with many articles discussing or heavily leaning into more gnostic, traditional, or hermetic content including workings on ‘the harewoman’, hedge witchery and folk witchcraft.
Coire Ansic: Issue 5
This issue saw an upturn in submissions from different contributing authors as well as more contemporary book reviews for books recently released. It contained more works from outside the uk and covered a winder variety of pathways and folklore from different locations.
Coire Ansic: Issue 4
This Issue of Coire was the first to see the introduction of art submissions alongside articles and poetry. This issue carried a somewhat ‘festive’ them due to its time of publication but was not themed as such, with articles still covering a wide range of topics.
Coire Ansic: Issue 3
This Issue of Coire was the most popular to date with a surge of sales with allowed the non-profit zine opportunity to expand in both quality and reach.
Coire Ansic: Issue 2
This Issue of Coire saw the introduction of more external submissions with a continued focus of both trad witchcraft and Gnosticism.
Coire Ansic: Issue 1
This issue of Coire is ‘bare bones’ with a focus on both traditional British craft work and gnostic ideas. The initial run of issue one was mainly shared around moots and meetings in the uk and welcomed debate and discussion in this setting.
Clavis: Volume 4 - The Green Key
The Green Key is the central arcanum of Clavis Volume 4, contemplating the intersection of the plant world with the occult arts, and is 112 pages.
Clavis: Volume 3 - Cipher and Stone
The third volume of Clavis: A Journal of Occult Arts, Letters, and Experience is now available for pre-order. Its contents concern the respective themes of ‘Cipher and Stone’.
Clavis: Volume 2 - The Cloister Perilous
At 216 pages, the new volume of Clavis features an outstanding grouping of authors and image-makers.
Clavis: Volume 1 - Of Keys and Locks
The debut issue of Clavis Journal contains modern, innovative occult content and scintillant magical artifacts of centuries past.
Black Mirror: Issue 2 - Elsewhere
In this volume we explore the philosophy and practice of elsewhere. Throughout the twentieth century both occult practitioners and artists explored the effects of the patriarchal monotheistic heritage that divorced the mind from the body, privileging the intellect as spiritual and negating and subjugating the corporeal.