Dream Divination Plants
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Dream Divination Plants

Shamanism, religion and magic have long acknowledged the significance of dreams as a bridge to the spirit world, and over time developed practices for dream incubation.

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Plants of the Devil
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Plants of the Devil

Plants of the Devil examines the history and magic of herbs associated with Satan and his minions, delving into the folklore of ancient Europe and the British Isles.

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Under the Witching Tree
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Under the Witching Tree

Under the Witching Tree; is the first offering in a trilogy of books by Corinne Boyer a folk-herbalist known for her work exploring both the traditional medicinal and magical applications of plants and trees which, as Corinne explains in her video introducing the trilogy, are often revealed through their accumulated folklore.

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Under the Bramble Arch
Books Occult Librarian Books Occult Librarian

Under the Bramble Arch

Under the Bramble Arch is the second offering in a trilogy of books by Corinne Boyer following on from Under the Witching Tree, Corinne is a folk-herbalist known for her work exploring both the traditional and personal medicinal and magical applications of plants and trees which, as Corinne explains in her video introducing the trilogy, are often revealed through their accumulated folklore.

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The Green Mysteries
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The Green Mysteries

From the author of Veneficium comes The Green Mysteries, the monumental product of twenty-five years of experiential research on the spiritual and occult properties of plants.

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Arcana Viridia Folio
Books Occult Librarian Books Occult Librarian

Arcana Viridia Folio

As a limited edition offering of art drawn from the corpus of the Green Mysteries, the Arcana Viridia Art Portfolio features seven separate plant images, chosen both for their historical importance to the occult arts and also their imaginal fascinum

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