The Cauldron - No. 78
Pagan Journal of the Old Religion - Hallowe’en/Midwinter 1995
THE CAULDRON was a non-profit, independent, esoteric magazine featuring in-depth articles on traditional witchcraft, Wicca, ancient and modern Paganism, magic, and folklore. It was published quarterly in the UK in February, May, August, and November between 1976 and 2015. It was founded to cater for pagan witches, giving space in particular to non-Gardnerian traditions of witchcraft and so provided some balance to The Wiccan (now Pagan Dawn), the mouthpiece of the Pagan Front (later the Pagan Federation). During its lifetime The Cauldron was edited by Michael Howard who "has been active among pagans and ritual magicians since the early 1960s".
The Goddess Of Winter - Edward Hilton
The God Thou Servest Is Thine Own Fantasy…* - Mistress Agnes Toadwart
The Rose Beyond The Grave - Evan John Jones
Close Encounter With A Demon Hound - Cecil Williamson
Hellhounds, Werewolves, And The Germanic Underworld - Alby Stone
Black Dog Tales - Gareth Lewis
Pixy Leading - Jeremy Harte
A Stang Is A Stang Is A Stang - E.J. Jones
Wayland The Smith - Wulf
Following The Path Of Transformation - Nigel Aldcroft Jackson