Corpus Tantrika

Hindu & Tibetan Mysteries of Sacred Sexuality

Raven Stronghold

Sirius Limited Esoterica

Corpus Tantrika is the body of Tantric traditions which have been studied mostly from textual and historical perspectives. An Anthropological voyage through living temples, to the rising of the age of shiva. The book reveals the creation and history of the world; the names and functions of a great variety of male and female deities and other higher beings; the types of ritual worship, especially of Goddesses; magic, sorcery, and divination; esoteric "physiology" as the mapping of the subtle or psychic body; the awakening of the mysterious serpent power (kundalini-shakti); techniques of bodily and mental purification; the nature of enlightenment; and sacred sexuality.

Transgressive Tantrika elements includes the use of skulls and other human bone implements as part of the rituals, fierce deities like Bhairava, Kubjika and Kali, Shiva which were used as part of meditative visualizations, ritual possession by the deities (avesa), sexual rites and offering the deity as well as consuming certain impure substances like meat, alcohol and sexual fluids.


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