
Feminine Deities in Left Hand Path

Edited by Edgar Kerval

Sirius Limited Esoterica

NOX*OB*NIA emerges from the conjunction of the words NOX=Night, OB= indicating the essence of Lunar current, NIA = the secret gateway or womb which opens the gates to B universe. This Anthology examines in a deep way, the occult context from an Historical, anthropological and personal gnosis through diverse essays the contemplation of the role of Feminine deities in traditional and contemporary praxis focused into Left Hand Path traditions. Its symbolism and methods of working through extended material from diverse authors congregating essays, poetry, images, rituals into an explorative path focused to channelize the feminine lunar current. Through this grimoire the adept understands the concepts of divine initiation through the powerful archetypes of dark goddesses with the purpose to awaken the power within in order to open the gateways of the soul to the influx of lunar current veiled by Feminine deities in diverse magickal traditions.

"I Am the Serpent and Seed of the Forbidden Garden"


Triple Moon Goddess - Asenath Mason
Emme Ya Planet of Women - Linda Falorio
Kurukulla: The Wrathful Queen of Uddiyana - Veronica Rivas
From the Inner Eggs, the Howling Darkness and the Black Water - Abby Helasdottir
The Crucible of Seshat - Stephanie Connolly Reisner
Echoes from the Dream Forest - Lukasz Grochocki
Hel, the Þursian Queen of Death - Ljóssál Loðursson
Going to Callenish - Sean Woodward
Birth of A New Goddess - Bill Duvendack
The Poem to Peorð: Invocation to Hel - Thomas Karlsson
The Valkyrja:The Daughters of War - Asbjorn Torvol
The Kabbalistic Lilith - Humberto Maggi
Matter Carissima - J.A Perez
Xtabay,The goddess of the Hanged - Fr.Arzaq
Maman Brigitte: Vodou Goddess of The Dead - Edgar Kerval


Corpus Tantrika


Via Nocturna