Kitab Aleawa’fi Laylat Alsahra

The Book of Howling in the Desert Night

Amir Alzzalam

Sirius Limited Esoterica

Within this tome lies a modern grimoire, a compendium unveiling an ancient majiq that promises to effectuate a transmutation profound, an ascent towards the apotheosis of one's psyche and soul. The Book of Howling in the Desert Night is a dread expedition through the recesses of science, the abysses of philosophy, and the rites of arcane majiq. It binds the vestiges of the primeval daemonic and the stygian enigma of Arabian wastelands, entwined with the forbidden vernaculars of our hoary ancestors. Venture, if thou dare, to absorb this dread codex, wherein dwells a transformation that shall rend the very fabric of thy being, whispering secrets that mortals were never meant to comprehend.

The Book includes 360 pages in a large tome 10 Inchs x 7 Inchs, comes in hard printed cover limited to 111 copies. Includes full color plates. Also, a Deluxe edition in leather limited to 22 copies is available.


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