Liber Baratchial

The Spiritual Poison and the Alchemical Katharsis

Edgar Kerval

Sirius Limited Esoterica

This book is one of the attempts to understand and embrace the Nightside. Unlike many others, which discuss the Tree of Qliphoth from a broader perspective, Edgar has chosen to focus on one concept encountered within the dark realms of the Other Side – the Qliphothic universe of Baratchial. If you are familiar with the Tree of Night as an initiatory map and the Tunnels of Set, you may also know that Baratchial is the name of a pathway connecting two Qliphothic realms – Satariel, which is the Womb of the Dark Mother, and Thaumiel, which is the Throne of the Twin God. These two forces permeate and influence the pathway and its magical powers, opening way to the mastery of our destiny before entering the Void itself. This is also the path that utilizes an unconventional approach to science as a magical tool, as well as experiments with toxins and psychoactive substances as a vehicle of transcendence. -Asenath Mason

The book includes 140 pages, comes in hard printed cover limited to 333 copies. Includes full color plates. Also, a Deluxe edition in leather limited to 33 copies is available.


Kitab Aleawa’fi Laylat Alsahra


Dark Shades of the Soul